Give your little one an opportunity to grow!

Do you want him to just say, 'mumma' or 'give me water'? Do you want him to speak in full sentences? Do you want him to make eye-contact? Do you want her to reduce crying or wear her own clothes? Teach all these skills by using behavior-analytic strategies that are scientifically validated. You can make a difference in your child's life. Let's help them reach the rainbows, hoard handful of stars, and slide down the crescent-shaped moon. Learn how to make them independent.

Our Story

Have you seen a child with disability struggle to convey their need? Requesting you to do basic things such as asking for water, or conveying the need to be changed can be extremely difficult sometimes. At times, they are not aware of the choices available to them. It is easy for you and me to say out loud, ‘stop it’ or ‘I would rather sleep’. However, it is not a piece of cake for those children who find communication difficult. Our mission is to provide them with opportunities that help them enhance their communication and make children more independent.

Academics also need a base of strong communication and problem solving skills. We work on strengthening that base.

The story behind our Name:

While coloring, children generally choose their favorite crayons to color the river or clouds. They choose it irrespective of the real color of the item.  They are not restrained by the norms or boundaries. Their innocence comes from lack of awareness about such norms. Our name “Purple Clouds” originates from the idea that our children will choose the colors of their preference, letting oneself explore the artsy and creative style and not being stuck in the norms and boundaries.

At Purple Clouds, we use Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA-) based strategies to teach communication, functional (ADL- Activities of Daily Living) skills, leisure skills, vocational skills, and to reduce interfering behaviors such as tantrums, self-injuries, aggression, or other disruptive behaviors.

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